Vilnius sights - 11 most interesting places


Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania and one of the oldest European cities. It attracts tourists with its history, architecture and free museums. Vilnius is beautiful and cozy. It is a city with a pleasant atmosphere, friendly people and wonderful buildings. You can talk about the capital of Lithuania for hours. The sights of Vilnius will not leave anyone indifferent.

Gate of Ausros

Translated into Russian, the name sounds like "The Gate of Dawn". This building is one of the oldest in the city. They were built together with the Vilnius city wall. The Ausros Gate is one of the symbols of the capital of Lithuania. They are part of a defensive wall. Passing through the gate, you immediately find yourself in the Old Town. The structure is a large building with 3 floors. Its facade is decorated with griffins, which are the symbol of the state power of Lithuania.

A chapel rises above the Gate of Dawn. In it you can see the icon of the Mother of God, framed in gold. She is very famous far beyond the borders of Lithuania. The icon was named “Vilnius Madonna”. She is said to work miracles. A large flow of tourists and Catholic believers from different parts of the world check this every year. In Vilnius, religion is honored and treated with great respect. Celebrating the Day of the Mother of God is a very beautiful and great holiday. It is celebrated by the whole city.

Taking pictures in the chapel is possible, but rather inconvenient. A large number of people and believers who pray make the process difficult. I would like to leave this holy place, and not disturb the peace of people who believe in healing. You can get to the Gate of Ausros by buses No. 13, 31, 34, 74, 88. The chapel is open for visits every day from 6 am to 7 pm. The entrance is free.


The most beautiful and oldest cathedral in Vilnius was built in the 14th century on the site of a pagan prayer. For all the centuries of its existence, the temple has experienced fires, floods, restoration, rebuilding and reconstruction. The holy building is called the Basilica. Now the cathedral attracts tourists with its stunning beauty and rich history. The temple is similar to the ancient Greek buildings. Above the facade of the building, there are sculptures of saints: Stanislav, Casimir and Helena. There is an old bell tower next to the cathedral.

The decoration of the temple is luxurious. It houses paintings, murals and other works of art. Figures of Lithuanian and Polish princes, marble walls, amazing bas-reliefs - all this can be viewed for a very long time. The cathedral contains an urn with the heart of King Vladislav Vasa. On the top floor of the temple there is a museum with ancient pagan exhibits. There are 11 chapels in the cathedral, the most beautiful of them is the chapel of St. Casimir. Here is a sarcophagus with his relics. And the walls are decorated with magnificent frescoes.

The cathedral can be visited even behind the altar, which is very surprising. Anything can be photographed too. The temple is bright, clean and huge. All this beauty is accompanied by majestic organ music during the holiday. You can get to the cathedral by buses No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, 17, 88 to the stop Karaliaus Mindaugo. It works daily from 7 am to 7 pm. Admission is free during Mass.


Uzupis is a unique place in Vilnius. This is the poorest area of ​​the city, from which a local landmark was created. When the infrastructure of Vilnius developed, Uzupis remained dilapidated. Local creative people decided that the area needed their help. Lithuanian artists and writers began to decorate the neglected part of the city with their works. Street graffiti, drawings and sculptures appeared in a matter of time in the poorest area.

Tourists flocked to Uzupis, but there weren't many of them. Then they decided to declare the region an Independent Republic. This did not affect the integrity of Lithuania in any way. However, thousands of tourists are now going to admire the new Republic in the territory of Vilnius. Now Uzupis is trying to develop the infrastructure. At the entrance to the Republic is the mermaid Ondine, who lives under the bridge. On the central square of the Republic there is a sculpture of a bronze angel. She symbolizes rebirth and freedom. Houses of wealthy people began to appear in Uzupis. On the contrary, dilapidated buildings are being demolished.

The Independent Republic is a favorite place for informals and young people. Despite its history, the area is calm and interesting. It is worth visiting it for those who are open to new and extraordinary. The republic is located near the center of Vilnius. Landmark - Gediminas Tower. You can get to Uzupis by bus number 10, 33 or 88 to the stop Dailės akademija. Or route 11 to Vilnios station.

Vilnius TV Tower

The tower can rightfully be called the tallest building in Vilnius. Its height reaches over 326 meters. The tower houses a television and radio broadcasting center. The main highlight of the Vilnius TV Tower is the Milky Way restaurant. An institution with an amazing idea. The restaurant is built in the shape of a circle around an axis - a tower. Its observation deck is moving. It rotates slowly so that tourists can see all the beauties of Vilnius, and at the same time dine.

The view from the TV tower is stunning. From here you can see the city at a glance. Residents of Vilnius claim that even Belarus can be seen here in good weather. There is an exhibition of photographs on the 1st floor of the museum. Its subject is

Vilnius tragedy of 1991. Here, 14 people were killed during an attempted coup. The Milky Way is located at an altitude of 165 meters. When you visit him, you may start to feel dizzy. Therefore, people who are afraid of heights or with poor health should refuse such an excursion.

Lithuanians are proud of their unusual tower. On New Year's Day, it is decorated with colorful garlands. And in 2006, when the World Cup was held in Lithuania, the famous building was miraculously transformed into a basketball ring. Taking pictures in the restaurant is prohibited. You can get to the TV tower by bus no. 2G or trolleybus no. 16. You can take a tour of the TV tower every day from 11 am to 9 pm. It is possible to visit the Milky Way from 11 to 23 hours. The ticket price is about 6 euros for adults. For a child - about 3 euros. Free admission for children under 5 years old.

State Art Museum

The Art Museum is another attraction of Vilnius. The large building contains paintings not only by Lithuanian, but also by foreign artists. The museum consists of 5 branches: Vilnius Picture Gallery, Museum of Applied Arts, Clock Museum, Museum of Miniature Arts and Pranas Domšaitis Gallery.

The Art Gallery displays works that have sanctified the life of Lithuania for many centuries. You can trace it in graphics, painting and sculpture. Pictures of artists of our time are also exhibited here. The museum hosts events and concerts. The Museum of Applied Arts exposes for tourists a collection of objects from the interior of the Palace of the rulers. Here you can see a part of the ancient pavement or a part of the city wall. Household items, clothing, furniture, jewelry and even tombs. The clock museum exhibits exhibits from the 16-19th century. Works by craftsmen from England and Germany in a variety of styles and forms adorn the branch.

The main pride of the museum is the clock made of silver. They are in the form of a building and tower, dating from the 16th century. In the park, next to the museum, there is a sundial. And in summer, “flower” time meters bloom on the territory. It is especially interesting here in summer. The Museum of Miniatures displays antique medals, handmade fans, beautiful jewelry boxes and luxurious wallets.

In the Gallery of the Lithuanian expressionist painter Pranas Domsaitis, about half a thousand works are exhibited. This exhibition is the largest in the world.

    Opening hours from Tuesday to Saturday:

  • Picture gallery, P. Domsaitis Gallery from 12:00 to 18:00, Sunday from 12:00 to 17:00.
  • Museum of Applied Arts from 11:00 to 17:00, Sunday from 12:00 to 16:00.
  • Clock Museum, March-October from 12:00 to 18:00, November-February from 11:00 to 17:00.
  • Museum of Miniature Arts from 11:00 to 18:00, Sunday from 11:00 to 16:00.

The ticket price is about 2 euros for an adult, about 1 for a child. Admission is free for children under 7 years old.

Church of the Holy Spirit

The temple is located in the old town of Vilnius. This is a small, rather modest structure, made in the shape of a cross. However, this does not prevent it from being an architectural monument. The church was erected more than once; it survived fires and reconstruction. The very first structure of the church was made of wood back in the 14th century. Later, a Dominican monastery was built next to the temple.

The interior of the church is excellent. There are 16 altars erected here for various saints. Luxurious vaults, wonderful frescoes, ancient portraits - all this is incredibly combined with each other. The sun's rays falling from small windows bring some kind of incomprehensible peace. It is not forbidden to take photographs here, but the clergy are not very positive about it. In general, the temple evokes a lot of positive emotions. Despite the crowd of people, it is pleasant and cozy to be here.

There is a mysterious labyrinth in 9 basements of the church. There are a lot of rumors and stories around him. Locals say that the basements are on 2 levels, and in fact, many more people are buried there than the story goes. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to check this, excursions to the labyrinth are not currently conducted. You can get to your destination by bus number 88 to the stop Vokieciu st. You can visit the church free of charge from 10 to 15 hours every day. In winter, a visit to the temple is possible from 12 to 15 hours, in summer from 9 to 17 hours.

Customs Museum

The museum was established in 1994. At first, it was attended only by students of the Customs School. Later, the institution opened its doors to everyone. The building is small but interesting. Tours are conducted here in three languages: Russian, Lithuanian and English. Of your choice. Within the walls of the museum, you can see collections of contraband products and technical equipment. The institution is equipped with excellent projectors and audiovisual equipment. This attracts the guests of Vilnius here. Museum visitors are given the opportunity to trace the entire history of customs services. It starts from the 11th century and continues to this day.

Tourists are most often interested in contraband expositions. Alcohol with snakes, skins of rare animals, insects that were brought in for someone's collections. The museum was not without gifts. The customs services of Uzbekistan presented the institution with unique robes, which were decorated by hand with gold and stones. There is also an exhibition in the museum dedicated to the dangerous profession of customs officers. It consists of photographs of the difficult everyday life of workers. Some of them died defending their country from dangerous goods. The museum is located in the northern part of the city, far from the center. You can get there by bus or taxi for about 7 euros. Opening hours from 8.30 am to 4 pm from Monday to Thursday. On Saturday, the museum closes at 15:00. The visit to the institution is absolutely free.

Amber Museum

Amber is called “Lithuanian gold”. It is the only expensive natural resource that is mined in Lithuania. Baltic amber is highly valued in the world. He is considered one of the best. Vilnius Museum is not the only one in the country, but the largest and most famous one. It was discovered not so long ago, about 20 years ago. The building that became the "home" for the museum is not young at all. The building is about 6 centuries old.

The museum presents marvelous amber stones of bizarre shapes and different sizes and shades. There are natural fossils here with insects, plants and lizards remaining in them. Magnificent amber jewelry - pleases the eye of the fairer sex. There is a souvenir shop on site. There you can also buy incomparable amber creations of Lithuanian masters. For jewelry, you will even be given a special certificate confirming that it is not a fake.

The pride of the museum is the collection of amber obtained during archaeological excavations. This exhibition is one of the oldest and largest in the world. The largest stone from this exhibition weighs about 4 kg. You can get to the museum by bus number 8, to the stop Sv. Mykolo gatve. Admission is free for everyone. Opening hours from 10 to 19 hours every day.

Central Police Museum

This is an interesting and informative museum about one of the most difficult and dangerous professions. The expositions here introduce visitors to the activities of the police before 1940. Here you can learn from the inside what it is like to work in the police. The museum displays such exhibits as badges, uniforms, and hats of police officers from different countries. And also models of police cars. The museum is pleased with the high quality of preparation. Art and design specialists worked on its creation.

The exhibitions of the institution are always held at the highest level using the latest new technologies.

The organizers tried to make the expositions presented in the museum as close as possible to the eras of that time. Artists and designers helped them a lot in this. Masters of their craft make sure that every little thing is in place. In the museum you can find stories of the most interesting solved crimes. There is an exhibition of the achievements of police officers. The museum is located within the boundaries of Vilnius. The entrance to it is absolutely free. Opening hours from 8 to 17 hours from Monday to Friday.

Church of Saints Francis and Bernard

The church is located in the Old Town of Vilnius. The church is a huge red brick building in the Gothic style. It is one of the largest in the country. The Church of Saints Francis and Bernard is located next to the Church of St. Anne. Together they form a single complex. The temple was built as a defensive structure. Therefore, in appearance he is quite modest. However, the church looks amazing inside. Here you can admire 3 magnificent stone altars, as well as 11 wooden ones. Each of them is unique and beautiful in its own way.

The amazing vaults of the church are made of crystal, the walls are decorated with beautiful paintings and sculptures. The most famous sculptural crucifixion in Lithuania and beyond is located here. The church has a large organ and old icons. In the building of the church, you can see a collection of photographs that show the history of the life of the temple over many centuries. On the territory of the complex there is a branch of the Vilnius Art Museum, as well as a huge library. It was collected by the monks of the monastery adjacent to the church for a very long time. The library contains old manuscripts, pacts and statutes of Lithuania.

The church is open from 7 am to 6 pm on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. On Wednesdays and Saturdays, you can visit it from 10 to 19 hours. Free admission. You can get to the church by bus number 88.

National Museum of Lithuania

The National Museum of Lithuania is located in the city of Vilnius. He is the largest custodian of Lithuanian culture and history in the country. His main exhibitions are held at the Vilnius Castle. The museum annually attracts thousands of tourists to Lithuania from all over the world. In it, you can trace the entire centuries-old history of the country's development. See the traditions and customs of local people from different times. It is impossible to name the exact number of items exhibited in the museum. New exhibits are added to it all the time. Household and labor items, ancient clothes, ancient coins, paintings and icons - all this can be seen here.

The museum is divided into several rooms: ethnic culture, iconography, numismatics and archeology. The exhibits are beautiful and amazing. Here are collections of things made of bronze, weapons, emblems.Egyptian figurines, portraits of great people, very old fabrics of various peoples of the world. In addition to the main exhibitions, you can also see temporary exhibitions here. There is also a restoration hall on the territory. Annual archaeological excavations take place in Lithuania today. And in order to study the culture and life of Lithuanians, scientific expeditions are conducted.

The museum welcomes guests from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm from May to October. From October to April there are two days off: Monday, Tuesday.

You can visit the museum for 2 euros. With a guide, the cost of the service ranges from 8 to 15 euros. With an audio guide, you can save money and pay 3 euros for the tour. You can get to the museum by trolleybuses No. 2, 3, 4, 10, 17, 20 to the station Karaliaus Mindaugo tiltas. Or by buses No. 10, 11, 88, 33 to the Bernardinu sodas stop.

Vilnius is one of the most beautiful cities in Lithuania. It disposes to itself, the city breathes with coziness and tranquility. Many buildings in Vilnius are old and beautiful. Its architecture can rival that of many cities. The presence of beautiful buildings, churches, museums and memorable places will make your trip to the Lithuanian city unforgettable.

Attractions of Vilnius on the map


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