Los Angeles Attractions - 30 Most Interesting Places


The City of Angels is fraught with many surprises and impressions. Active people come here who are close in spirit to the dynamic capital of entertainment. The sights of Los Angeles provide an opportunity to plunge headlong into the bright and controversial world of show business. Here you can not only walk through museums and parks, but also see with your own eyes one of the celebrities thanks to a chance meeting on the street. The city offers excellent opportunities for a beach holiday. The stunning Pacific coastline is perfect for walking and getting a wonderful Californian tan. You can also join the favorite entertainment of young people - surfing. They will teach you how to conquer the waves right on the beach. Year-round sunny weather, ocean breezes and bustling city life will make your vacation unforgettable.

Avenue of stars

The 18-block sidewalks on both sides of Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street are home to the Avenue of Stars, which immortalizes the names of the most prominent figures in film, art, television and politics.

The first 8 stars lit up on Hollywood Boulevard in 1960. The featured actress Joan Woodward took the risk of being the first to agree to the commemoration ceremony. Every year, the collection of granite stars on concrete is replenished, more and more bright, honored people of cinema, theater, radio, television and music leave an eternal memory of themselves for future generations. The name of the genius creator of entertainment for children, the creator of magnificent cartoons and attractions, Walt Disney, "shines" with a bright star.

The unsurpassed comedian and tragedian of all times and peoples Charlie Chaplin is immortalized here by two stars. Legendary musicians of the English quartet, brilliant Audrey Hebpern, Michael Jackson, Elton John, Elvis Presley. It is impossible to count all the names of 2,500 thousand celebrities, including even the now familiar name of the extraordinary billionaire politician Donald Trump. But not only real personalities are "exposed" here, fictional characters Mickey Mouse, Shrek, Donald Duck and others also got their "stars".

Before being honored to be reflected on the Walk of Fame, each applicant is selected by a specially created committee. Anyone who is willing to pay $ 30,000 for the installation of a memorial sign can choose a candidate for placement in the Alley. How strict the selection is, can be judged by the fact that every year out of 200 proposed individuals only 20 to 30 pass. One of the selection conditions is at least 5 years of active creative activity of the applicant in his field. Not everyone agrees to perpetuate themselves: Julia Roberts, Clint Eastwood refused. When laying a star, the personal presence of the owner is required, but the ceremony of laying a star was ignored by Barbra Streisand and J. Clooney.

Dolby Theater

Another attraction associated with the stars of Hollywood, the former Kodak cinema, after the bankruptcy of a well-known company, renamed Dolby. Now in the huge (3400 people) hall of the Dolby Theater, an annual ceremony of awarding filmmakers with the Oscar is taking place. A grandiose renovation of the technical capabilities of the theater, the installation of ultra-modern equipment made it possible for the famous circus troupe "Du Saley" to perform on its stage with its incredible tricks and large-scale props.

During the Oscars, the luxurious theater hall turns into an arena for demonstrating dazzling smiles, chic outfits, triumphs of beauty and greatness of Hollywood celestials. Elise shone on the stage in different years. An expressive sculpture of Oscar is installed in front of the façade of an apparently unremarkable building. In addition to the awards ceremony for Hollywood filmmakers, Dolby hosts various celebrations, anniversaries, concerts and even celebrity weddings.

Getty Center

The museum complex, initiated and funded by California's richest oil tycoon, J. Guetta, is a series of magnificent buildings that combine with an artificial landscape in the form of picturesque gardens with sculptures and natural areas. It is located on two ridge elevations connected to the foot by funiculars. An avid art collector, Getty collected a large number of exhibits, for which the villa was first built, where they were housed.

With the increased number of works of art, the need arose for more space. The oil tycoon purchased a 250-hectare site in the Santa Monica mountains, and since 1984, a grandiose construction has begun here under the direction of the experienced architect Meyer. Instead of the planned 4 years, construction lasted more than 10 and was completely completed in 1997, on which Getty spent $ 1.3 billion. The result was recognized by the world as the eighth wonder of the world - the landscaped territory of the Center is so beautiful, the architectural masterpieces are magnificent!

Today it is one of the most visited places where you can see enough of the beauty of the garden infrastructure, admire the art canvases of recognized masters of painting, and see antique sculptures. Getty left a huge amount of money to his Foundation, with which employees now have the opportunity to acquire more and more new works of art in different directions. An extraordinary personality, a successful businessman and pragmatist Getty, a romantic and dreamy person at heart, left a wonderful memory of himself.

Rodeo Drive

The famous Hollywood film Pretty Woman features objects from one of the shortest and most glamorous streets in the fashionable Rodeo Drive district of Beverly Hills: a luxury hotel and the same boutiques where Roberts' heroine comes to dress. Therefore, even those who have not been here have an idea of ​​the level of purpose of local buildings. The three blocks of Rodeo Drive, intersecting with Santa Monica Boulevards, Wilshire and Crescent Drive, form the Golden Triangle - the focus of luxury and special chic style.

The elegant boutiques sell exclusively world-famous haute couture items: Dolce and Gabbana, Lacoste, Chanel, Tiffany and others. Not so long ago, a very pretentious line of boutiques a la France appeared on Rodeo Drive, decorated with quirky fountains, arches and other bells and whistles. People come to them (including Hollywood stars), who are served by special shopping consultants.

You should not go here in jeans and T-shirts, following the exquisite dress code rules. At night, Rodeo Drive, flooded with neon advertisements, gives the impression of a celebration of wealth. And on Christmas days there is a real fairy tale created by magical patterns of illumination. It is enough just to walk along the street, contemplating what fabulous money is spent on, and to get your aesthetic pleasure.

Ranch La Brea

In the center there is an amazing place that does not correspond to luxury and fashionableness - one of the bituminous lakes of California, called Rancho La Brea. These are natural formations formed as a result of prolonged decay of the remains of extinct animals: mastodons, short-faced bear, ancient bison, saber-toothed cats, giant sloths.

Until now, in the areas of bituminous lakes, skeletons and bones of these prehistoric representatives of the fauna are found, which are placed in the expositions of the Museum. Among them there are specimens whose age is about 400 thousand years. Many sculptures of exotic animals have been created at Rancho La Brea: mammoths, elephants, "terrible" wolves, bears; some species of rare flora are presented. This place is of great interest to tourists and local residents.

Wilshire Boulevard

This is another street that is part of the Golden Triangle, which is not inferior in the number of expensive shops, elite restaurants and nightclubs of Rodeo Drive. On the stretch of the boulevard (2.4 km), called the "Golden Mile", a real paradise for shopaholics. In luxury boutiques, they are offered exclusive clothes, shoes, hats from famous manufacturers.

Amateur theatergoers have the opportunity to attend performances at any of the several theaters located here. The same can be said about fans of museums, there are two of them on the boulevard: Artistic and Paleontological. In this area, skyscrapers are not inferior to New York ones in their majestic height, and the number of respectable executive cars is off the charts. Wilshire Boulevard is the center of luxury, wealth and vanity.

Film Studio Universal

The oldest film studio in the United States was established in 1912, where silent films were successfully created. Over the past century, the company has acquired the status of a powerful film factory with a high technological and artistic level of production. The emblem is the well-known image of the globe with rings revolving around it, on which the proud name Uniwersal (Universe) is used.

The legendary Hitchcock, actors Cary Grant and Lana Turner and other movie stars worked here for many years. The famous "Jaws" and the popular "Desperate Housewives" were filmed here. Now the film studio organizes interesting excursions to the thematic zones of "Universal" with exciting stunts and adventures. During a voyage around the pavilions, participants may be awaited by a predatory shark trying to attack; or a very tangible "earthquake" (8.3 points) and other surprising surprises. On an area of ​​1.7 sq. km you can literally travel around the world.

From the ancient Egyptian square with majestic temples, you find yourself in an untidy, colorful Mexican town with all its inherent attributes; find yourself in England during the era of Queen Victoria; and then - on a street with wooden houses of the Wild West, etc. In the film studios, tests such as a terrible fire or a crazy water element await. Here you can get into the secrets of many horror films with "werewolves", "ghosts" and other horror stories. A multitude of fascinating attractions related to movie plots make those present squeal with fear and delight. The sea of ​​the most vivid impressions leaves a visit to the famous film studio of the world.

Warner Brothers Film Studio

Anyone who has watched the American hits "Harry Potter", "The Matrix", "The Devil's Advocate" and dozens of other popular films are familiar with the image of the symbolic golden shield with the "WB" logo on the bright blue of the sky. The two capital letters represent the surname of the Warner brothers. In 1903, four enterprising Warner brothers rented an empty funeral hall in a small mining town in Pennsylvania and arranged a paid screening of films in it.

For the proceeds they bought the property of the Cascade Theater, which began the career of the Warner Bros. Film Studio, opened in 1918 on Sunset Boulevard. More recently, Warner Bros acquired New Line Cinema, boosting the production capacity of the film industry. The company's film library contains real film masterpieces: Ocean's 13, The Green Mile, The Lord of the Rings, 300 Spartans and other wonderful films.

Excursions to the studio pavilions are accompanied by a guide who tells in detail about the secrets of making films, tricks, and special effects. There is a Museum on site that contains the props for the Harry Potter movie. An interesting object is the Museum of Scenery, which contains scenery for cult films.


A wonderful corner of nature, a picturesque oasis located in the Elysee Park - the Chavez Ravine arboretum, arranged at the initiative of the city authorities as a natural air purifier of the metropolis. Almost 1000 species of trees are planted in it, representatives of different parts of the world.

Here you can not only breathe plenty of clean air, admire the outlandish flora, but also have a good rest, walking along the alleys and sitting on benches in the shade of trees. The blooming Australian Tristania iaurina is pleasing to the eye, all covered with bright yellow clusters of inflorescences. In Russian, it sounds like "laurel tristania" and grows up to 20 meters.

The decoration of the arboretum is evergreen species of trees and shrubs, palms of various species, exotic shrubs with fragrant flowers. On the territory of the garden there is a large library, where a huge number of books about plants are collected, courses and master classes work. There are several cultural and historical monuments, a cafe "Pavlin" with a corresponding interior. Here you can hold weddings, corporate parties, family celebrations and photo sessions.

Modern Art Museum

Not far from Rancho La Brea, there is one of the best art museums - the LACMA Museum of Contemporary Art, which collects works of modern painting, graphics, sculpture, and applied art from representatives of different nations living in the city. There are permanent exhibitions and temporary exhibitions presenting new names and original works in art. Some of them (exhibitions) become sensations in the cultural life of the city and even the United States.

The number of exhibits is constantly growing, so the Museum is gradually expanding its possessions and already now occupies 3 buildings, in which works of avant-garde, expressionism, pop art, visualism, photographic works are demonstrated. There are almost 100 thousand items in the museum's storerooms. The library of the Museum organizes lectures, educational conferences and seminars on the history of art, on acquaintance with the latest achievements in various types of contemporary art.

Peterson Car Museum

The car, which has become an integral part of our life, has been a constant human companion for more than a hundred years. From the first clumsy and bulky, ugly and sluggish models, cars have "grown" to bright, luxurious, fast-paced suites that make many eagerly dream of buying this or that car as the most cherished acquisition. It is no coincidence that there are automobile museums in many major capitals of the world.

Not without such a museum, and Los Angeles, which is called the Peterson Car Museum, which opened in 1994 and is now included in the top ten museums in the world in its category. Literally the entire history of the automotive industry is presented in the largest auto collection in the world, where 150 units of cars, trucks and motorcycles are located on 3 floors. The first floor presents the history of the creation of cars in the world, vividly confirmed by samples from the oldest models (1904) to the newest ones produced in different countries in different years.

The 2nd floor introduces the exclusive cars of Hollywood celestials: Mercedes Benz by the magnificent Clark Gable, Crawford's Cadillac, Mansfield's Lincoln, Batman's "Betmobile" from the movie hero of the Batman comics, rare cars from the movie "The Great Race" and other interesting items. On the 3rd floor, there is a paradise for children who are interested in all models of children's vehicles created over 100 years. The 4th floor consists of a conference room and a restaurant. About 1 million people visit the museum annually.

Train station Union Station

When you first see the only railway station, you immediately feel the Spanish flavor in its architecture, complemented by a row of thin trunks of palm trees growing nearby. Architects became the designers of the exotic building

Parkinsons, father and son. Dock can be seen in several Hollywood films Catch Me If You Can, Blade Runner, Pearl Harbor and others. As a major transportation hub in California, Union Station transports nearly 60,000 passengers a day.From the station there are international and regional trains and suburban electric trains (Metrolink).

In addition, under the station there are several metro lines - the final stop of the "purple" and "red" metro lines, there is a stop of the "gold" line. Above is the high-speed tram route. Residents do not often use railway transport due to the high cost of tickets.

Walt Disney Concert Hall

The project for this unique media space was created back in 1987. Walt Disney's wife took part in this, she also financed it. Thus, Lillian immortalized the name of the famous cartoonist. The doors were opened for visitors in 2003. The hall amazes with its acoustics; it also houses one of the best world operas. A very interesting organ is a multidirectional metal tube.

The futuristic appearance is reminiscent of icebergs with sharp edges. The building was designed by Frank Gary. The construction of their metal sheets with matte and polished surfaces caused a lot of controversy, but now the city cannot be imagined without this spectacular building. You can visit it not only at the event. Many sightseeing tours include a tour of the interior and the stunning lobby.

Madame Tussauds museum

Los Angeles is the capital of the world film industry, because it is here that the Hollywood district is located. It is here that you can meet many celebrities. If on the street it was not possible to see any of the famous people, Madame Tussaud's museum will provide such an opportunity. Here, movie stars are just waiting for visitors to take memorable photos. The mannequins are made in full size. By tradition, they are called wax figures, but in fact they are made from plastic polymers and skillfully achieve the perfect resemblance.

The exposition is divided into several thematic sections - Hollywood icons, movie characters, television stars. There are also recreated scenes from famous films. One of the most popular excursions is called Behind the Scenes of Madame Tussauds. Visitors will learn everything about making figures, get acquainted with the history of the museum.


One of the places that every tourist must visit is the zoo. It is especially good to come there with children, because in the zoo you can watch more than a thousand different animals. The area occupied by it is truly enormous - 54 hectares. 250 different species of animals feel great here. For some of them, the zoo is a real salvation, because 29 species are endangered. But not only animals attract visitors here.

A botanical garden is located on the same territory. Everywhere you can admire delightful plants - wine palms, blooming roses, cypresses and other representatives of the flora will not leave anyone indifferent. The decoration is especially worth noting. Experts have tried to recreate the natural habitat of animals. The zoo gained particular fame when its employees developed a unique program aimed at breeding condors.

Griffith Park

This wonderful place breaks all the stereotypes about the metropolis as a bustling city in which there is no place for greenery. In the very center of the city, a colossal area of ​​1,700 hectares is set aside for a magnificent park. Its history is interesting. In the late 19th century, a certain Colonel Griffith bought an old, neglected ranch on the riverbank. There he decided to make an ostrich farm. This business was so profitable that Griffith donated 1200 hectares of his own to the city. It was on this site that the most popular vacation spot was created.

The territory of the park is very well-groomed; it is a pleasure to walk among the picturesque landscapes. The observation deck is especially attractive. There are stationary binoculars with which you can admire the surroundings and see the famous "Hollywood" sign on the side of the mountain. Evening concerts in the open air, an observatory and a planetarium make walks in the park not only enjoyable, but also rewarding.

Santa Monica Pier

This is one of the most iconic places in the city. Santa Monica is a cozy little satellite town. Extensive sandy beaches, picturesque sunrises and sunsets attract many tourists here. Particular attention should be paid to the pier. This wooden structure was built 100 years ago. Now the pier looks like a small amusement park. There is something to do here for both children and adults. The pier goes 300 meters into the ocean. The children's attraction "Hippodrome" is very interesting.

Children rode 44 wooden horses a hundred years ago. The Ferris wheel is no less attractive. While riding it, you can admire the surroundings from a height of 40 meters. On the one hand, a view of the metropolis opens, and on the other, the boundless ocean. It is the only solar-powered ride of its kind in the world. An annual landmark event is associated with this pier - the famous circus du Soleil is setting up its tent next to it.

Dodger Stadium

The United States cannot be imagined without baseball. Everyone from young to old is fond of this sport, and outstanding players are considered common favorites. One of the main baseball clubs in the country is the Los Angeles Dodgers. In 1962, a huge stadium was built in the city, which immediately became their home arena. In terms of age, Dodger Stadium is the third largest in the country after Boston and Chicago, and the first in terms of capacity.

It is interesting that the money for the construction of such a large-scale sports facility was allocated from private sources. This sports arena hosted the 1980 All-Star Game. A huge number of fans gathered here when the World Series games took place. Eight times baseball stars have gathered here for a series of decisive games. In 1984, this arena hosted team meetings during the Olympic Games. In addition, the stadium hosts football matches and ice hockey.

Natural History Museum

This is one of the most interesting museums not only in America, but all over the world. The expositions represent the multimillion-dollar history of the planet. A huge number of exhibits - 35 million - clearly show the most distant periods. The first exhibits appeared about a hundred years ago - in 1913. The collection grew so quickly that it had to be divided into parts. It happened in 1961. The organization also has two subsidiary museums, one of which specializes in the Ice Age, and the other is a ranch museum.

The exposition occupies three floors. Visitors love the exhibitions on prehistoric animals and the history of America before Columbus. Children love the collection of magic items. Of course, there are also seasonal exhibitions - for example, the pavilion of spiders or butterflies. Interesting thematic excursions, such as "Travel along the Great Silk Road".

TCL Chinese Theater

Tourists walking around the city are invariably attracted by the exotic building built in the Chinese style. The year 1927 is considered the starting point of its history. At that time, there was a famous impresario Grauman in the city, who had already built more than one building. He dreamed of creating a unique Chinese pavilion in which premieres could be held. The construction was completed in a year and a half, and the grand opening of the theater amazed the townspeople.

Now it is a small complex that includes the theater itself and a small courtyard enclosed by 12-meter walls. Beautiful copper domes and graceful fountains reminiscent of lotus flowers give this place an amazing flavor. In front of the theater, there are slabs decorated with the prints of the hands and feet of famous actors. The interior of the theater is also very good. It fully reproduces the magnificent national Chinese style.There are group excursions, which are very easy to get on. The next group is sent for inspection every 15 minutes. The theater is still operating now. There are not only premieres, but also regular sessions.

Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels

The city is unique in everything. Even the most popular religious building has unusual architectural forms. This is a cathedral belonging to the Roman Catholic Church. Previously, the dominant role was played by the Cathedral of Saint Biviana. It was destroyed by a powerful earthquake in 1994. The diocese decided to build a new cathedral. The author of the project is the famous Spanish architect Jose Moneo Valdes. He was inspired by postmodernism and designed a building without right angles.

Above massive bronze doors leading to the cathedral, there is a shining statue of the Virgin Mary. This grand church can accommodate about three thousand people at the same time. The interior is austere and austere. A huge organ, which is 18 meters high, is considered to be the decoration of the cathedral. There is a mausoleum under the church where anyone can buy a burial place. Stained-glass windows have been preserved from the old cathedral of Saint Biviana, which have found a worthy place in the new church.

Venice Beach

You should definitely visit such an iconic place as Venice Beach. Once this area was supposed to be a kind of Venice for wealthy people. But the idea failed during the Great Depression. The area was occupied by representatives of the bohemians, who firmly settled here. Many artists, musicians and other talented people drew inspiration from this place. It was here that the famous Jim Morrison lived. The young bodybuilder Schwarzenegger was often seen on the beach.

Over time, the crisis was left behind, and monetary investments flowed into the area again. But this did not affect the free, relaxed spirit that reigns here. Now any kind of entertainment is available to vacationers. You can admire a variety of street shows, buy a variety of souvenirs, watch bodybuilders lifting weights, try Mexican fast food.

Of course, the favorite American entertainment - surfing - thrives here. You can rent a board and take express courses. Here is the kingdom of youth. It is a pleasure to admire the dexterous movements of surfers who fearlessly conquer the ocean waves. In the evening, there is a great variety of bars that are everywhere here, music sounds over the coast.

Runyon Canyon Park

The slopes of Santa Monica are decorated with a grandiose park, which is considered one of the favorite recreation areas of the townspeople. Here you can see many celebrities who have chosen the park for morning jogging. The outskirts of Runyon Canyon are occupied by an observation deck. Stopping here for relaxation, you can admire the panorama of the city. Lovers of leisurely walks will love the park.

There are hiking trails to suit any level of preparation. It is important that you can come here for a walk with a four-legged pet; there are specially equipped grounds here. When planning a walk in the park, one should take into account that there are no amenities there. If the visit is going to be a long one, it is better to bring water and a snack with you. There are five gates leading to Runyon Canyon, located on different sides. The visit is free and round the clock.

Bradbury Building

There are some sights that must be seen with your own eyes, otherwise the impression of visiting the city will be incomplete. It is in this category that a unique building located in the heart of the city belongs. Lovers of Hollywood films will immediately recognize the many interiors, and on the famous staircase, famous photographers have taken their best photographs.

This building was built by the millionaire Lewis Bradbury, who set himself the goal of creating the most beautiful structure. In 1893, it graced the city. Surprisingly, the exterior of the building does not even hint at what splendor awaits visitors inside. A Victorian lobby, Italian marble staircases, floor tiles from Mexico, delicate French railings - all this can be viewed for hours. The gaze involuntarily stops at every detail.

Of course, this mixture of styles aroused not only admiration, many critics called the building and its interior decoration an architectural nightmare. But nevertheless, this attraction deserves attention, without seeing it, the impression of the city will be incomplete. This building is now operational. The police department is located there, but the lobby can be viewed by any tourist. Of course, excursions are also held there.

Theater El Capitan

For tourists who want to go not just to the screening of a film, but to get an unprecedented experience, there is a direct road to the El Capitan theater. It belongs to the Walt Disney Company, and most of the premieres of this giant take place in this place. Each session is unique. The creators make a spectacular performance out of a simple show.

The characters of the film walk in the street and in the building, during the show, the audience is sprinkled with a rain of confetti, and a small store offers to buy themed ice cream. There is even an organ, and before each session, recognizable melodies from Disney films are played on it. Of course, you can buy souvenirs here. The first floor often attracts visitors with unusual costume exhibitions.

Grammy Museum

The history of this place is not very many years old. The first visitors entered the museum in 2008. At this time, the fiftieth anniversary of the prestigious award was celebrated. The opening year is also notorious for the global financial crisis. This fact almost jeopardized the opening of the museum. Music celebrities have helped with this difficult situation by donating money.

The exposition occupies four floors. The colorful design emphasizes musical and historical artifacts. Various styles and trends coexist peacefully here. One of the floors is a special storage facility for music recordings.

The museum also plays an educational role. It regularly hosts conferences, seminars, performances by famous musicians. You can visit an interactive exhibition and even record your own track on professional equipment.

Huntington Library

This is another attraction that owes its appearance to a millionaire. In one of the suburbs, the railway tycoon Huntington bought himself a villa. In the first quarter of the 20th century, he laid the foundation for an amazing collection of works of art. His wife played a big role in this. The exhibition boasts masterpieces by Gainsborough, Lawrence, Rogier van der Weyden.

In addition, the Huntingtons were fond of collecting rare books. It contains the unique Gutenberg Bible, the first edition of Hamlet, letters and personal documents of celebrities (Washington, Lincoln and others). The collection contains many autographs of great personalities. Now it is not just a library, but a whole research center, directly related to the University of Southern California.

Barnsdell Art Park

The combination of natural beauty and art is another unique attraction. This is a territory of beauty and harmony, an ideal place for self-expression. Shady alleys, beautiful statues and magnificent flower beds provide inspiration, while the panoramic observation deck delights with stunning views of this vibrant city.

Many events take place here, and every tourist will surely find something interesting for themselves. There are children's programs and educational events for adults. You can visit the art gallery or Hollyhock House, which is rightfully considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The contribution of the art park to the cultural life of not only the city, but also the world cannot be overestimated.

Norton Simon Museum

There are many rich people in America. Each of them disposes of their condition differently. Businessman Norton Simon has invested a lot of money to collect a magnificent collection of masterpieces. The collection is appreciated all over the world, and this is not surprising. It features works of genius ranging from the Renaissance to contemporary art.

The names of the artists whose works can be seen here would do honor to any European museum - Raphael, Rembrandt, Goya, Botticelli and many others. The main jewel is the collection of masterpieces painted by the Impressionists. Monet, Pissarro, Degas, Renoir - their works are side by side in this exhibition. The building itself is surrounded by a picturesque park, a walk through which will be an excellent preface to an encounter with the world of beauty.

Japanese garden

Life in a modern metropolis is very vibrant, dynamic and full of impressions. But even the most active people sometimes want to relax and be alone with nature. The Japanese garden provides the opportunity for quiet walks, contemplation of perfect landscapes and philosophical reflections.

The manor of the feudal lords of Japan served as a model for the creation of the garden. Visitors can change their surroundings by walking through the three zones. There is a stone garden where huge boulders symbolize the elements of nature. A small promenade, bubbling streams and small ponds showcase a serene and poetic landscape.

Then the guests move to a special garden for tea ceremonies. Here, each element has its own symbolism. Nothing distracts from the contemplation of nature, everything is surprisingly harmonious and thoughtful. This is truly a great place to relax and meditate. To take away the memory of this unique attraction, you can go to the gift shop before leaving.

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