Car rental in Finland


Car rental is the most popular service among Russian individual tourists who visit Finland during the New Year holidays. According to some estimates, more than 20% of travelers from the largest country in the world come to Suomi by renting a car or minibus. This is due to the following factors:

  • The scattering of tourist sites throughout Finland
  • Excellent condition of Finnish roads
  • The love of Russians for recreation and fishing on small lakes, which are not always accessible by public transport

Renting a car in Finland is a way to explore the best corners of this country and relax in silence and seclusion near the clean northern lakes.

What do you need to rent a car in Finland?

In order to rent a car in Finland, the driver must be at least 18 years old and have a driving experience of at least 1 year, as well as an international driving license and a credit card with the amount necessary to pay for the entire rental period. You can have a credit card with no money, but have the required amount in cash.

Business class cars are rented only to persons over 25 and under 70 years of age with at least 3 years of driving experience.

Rent terms

As a rule, the cost of a car rental includes mileage of any length, taxes, insurance and 24/7 support. The latter means that in the event of a breakdown of the car, the renter will be provided with technical assistance or the car will be replaced. The amount of the deposit and the cost of the fuel with which the car is filled (200-550 euros) will be blocked on the client's card. After returning the car, this money will be returned to the account. In most offices, the car is given with a full tank of fuel, and it must also be returned with a full tank of fuel.

If necessary, you can order the delivery of the car to any point in the country of Suomi or a driver's service. The possibility of leaving Finland in a rented car exists, but it is negotiated with each client individually.

If the main driver plans to entrust the control of the car, someone else needs to make an additional payment. Residents of the country of Suomi call it a co-driver surcharge.

Where can I rent a car?

There are a large number of car rental companies in Finland. They have offices in almost every city of Suomi, at bus and railway stations, and at airports. Rent surcharges near transport hub buildings are minimal or nonexistent. There is also no difference in car rental prices from large international operators or small Finnish companies.


Car rental prices in Finland are highly time-dependent. So car rental for a day will cost about 75 euros, but for 3 days - only 130 euros. The average cost of renting an economy class car in Suomi is 75 euros, business class - 120 euros, a minibus - 150 euros, provided that the car is taken for 1 day. If the rental period is 3 or more days, an economy class car will cost 50 euros per day, a business class car - 80-85 euros per day, a minibus - 110-120 euros per day.

For those who wish to travel to the most remote corners of Finland from civilization, an SUV is useful. But any company will ask for a decent amount of money for it - from 150 euros per day.

There are well-developed gas station networks in Finland. But fuel prices are higher than those in other European countries. So 1 liter of gasoline with an octane rating of 95 will cost 1.34 euros, with an octane rating of 98 - 1.41 euros, and 1 liter of diesel fuel will pull 1.13 euros out of your wallet. Fuel prices can fluctuate by 2-5 euro cents at gas stations located near or far from the main highways.

Traffic features in Finland

The speed limits in Finland are quite standard: 50 km / h in the village, 80 km / h outside and 120 km / h on the highway. In winter, restrictions can be reduced by 20 km / h. Compliance with the speed limit is monitored by many video cameras that are installed on the roads.

The norms for the level of alcohol in the blood of drivers in Finland are very strict - no more than 0.5%. For exceeding them, a citizen of a foreign state may be detained in a police institution pending trial. Also, in the event of an accident, insurance is not valid and the damage to the car must be reimbursed by the renter himself.

According to the traffic rules of the country of Suomi, while the car is moving, the dipped beam must be turned on constantly, regardless of the time of day or year. The carriage of children under 135 cm in height in the front seat is prohibited. All passengers and the driver of the car must be wearing seat belts. The use of mobile devices by the driver without a hands-free headset is also prohibited. All violations of the rules are punishable by a fine of 20 to 200 €.

Roads and parking

All roads in Finland are free. They are not loaded on weekdays. Only on Fridays and Sundays, when the inhabitants of the country of Suomi leave and return from their summer cottages, an endless stream of cars can be observed on the highways.

There are 2 types of parking in the centers of Finnish cities: paid and free. Parking of the latter type is usually located near large shopping centers. But the parking time on them is limited. It ranges from 30 minutes to 6 hours. The maximum time that a car can stand is reported on special signs that are installed at the entrances to parking lots.

Controllers walk around the sites and regularly check how much a particular car costs. In order to inform them about when the parking began, you need to purchase a special parking clock in a store or a kiosk of the R-kioski chain. They are a blue rectangle with an international parking sign and a small dial on which you need to indicate the parking start time. The fine for violation of the parking rules is from 20 to 50 €.

Paid parking lots can be recognized by the sign “Lippuautomaatti”, which is hung under the parking sign. The parking price is from 1.2 to 2 euros per hour, depending on the city in which the car is located.


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