15 best thermal springs in Turkey


Thermal springs in Turkey are little familiar to the average visitor. Traditionally, people come to the country for a beach holiday. Sometimes it is combined with cultural tourism. Meanwhile, there are excellent balneological resorts here. Hot springs, saturated with mineral salts, burst out of the ground, flow over the surface, cool down, and accumulate in natural and artificial pools. And the benefits of bathing or drinking such water are enormous: in addition to a general improvement in well-being, a stable remission occurs in the treatment of many diseases.


Unique springs with healing water were discovered by the Greeks in the 2nd century BC. They built the city of Hierapolis near the place where the keys were gushing out of the ground. Later, as a result of an earthquake, the water changed its course: in addition to the terraces, a depression was formed, called the Cleopatra basin. There is evidence that the queen bathed in a natural bath for rejuvenation. For centuries, mineral water has flowed along the ledges of the hill, covering it with a unique coating of snow and creating terraces.

Today in Pamukkale there are more than 20 keys with different temperatures: from quite comfortable 36 to 100 degrees Celsius. The water contains dissolved calcium carbonate, which settles at the bottom of the streams, turning it white. Tourists, arriving in Pammukale, walk on the terraces (not deep here) or swim in the Cleopatra pool. Some water sources can be drunk. But first you should familiarize yourself with what diseases it will be useful for.

It is important to remember: you should walk on the terraces in warm weather (it is too windy here), and plunge into the bath in cool weather (the water is quite hot). And you definitely need to take care of protection: wear dark glasses, a hat. And a bottle of drinking water will not hurt either.

Hotel Sahin


Just 20 meters from travertine and lake

Venus Suite Hotel


300 meters from the ancient city of Hierapolis


The most famous thermal spring resort in Denizli is Pamukkale. But there are less recognizable, but just as useful, near other villages in the area:

  1. There are many thermal springs near the village of Saraikey. Ortakchi Ylydzhasy and Inalty contain a lot of sulfur, so they prefer to treat skin diseases and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. In Inalti, the water is so hot that it is called hammam, that is, a bath.
  2. The Kabaagaj spring is located near the village of Kabaagaj. Its water is effective for digestive disorders.
  3. Tepekei is located near the village of Teke. In addition to sulfur, its water contains an increased concentration of soda. And the outlet temperature is over 90 degrees Celsius. Therefore, before the procedures, it is cooled. And the purpose of the resort is multipurpose: when taken orally, they treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and when bathing, they treat the musculoskeletal system and skin diseases.
  4. Baths of the Yenice resort have a comfortable temperature: 40-50 degrees. Here they cure skin diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the digestive system, vascular diseases.

All sources of Denizle are easily accessible by rental car or public transport. Some have built hotels where you can stay for the duration of the treatment.


Residents of Turkey appreciate the beneficial properties of the mineral water in Karahait, but tourists know little about this amazing place. The composition of the water is dominated by iron salts, so it has a brownish-yellow tint. Liquid flows into pools or bursts out of the ground in a fountain. There are 5 such springs in Karahait. The temperature in the pools is close to critical for humans: about 60 degrees Celsius, so swimming here is uncomfortable.

But a wellness ritual involves:

  • first plunge into the bath, stand for a few minutes
  • then smear with healing mud
  • wash it off in an open shower
  • plunge again

The glandular water does not have an unpleasant smell, so bathing is quite comfortable. And you can drink it too, but not from the baths, but from the fountains. Each of them indicates for what diseases and how it is recommended to be treated. The territory of the park is very well-groomed: everywhere there are flowerbeds, trees, benches. It's nice to walk here. And for those who want to extend the procedures, there are hotels nearby where you can stay.


This place was chosen for living and treatment by the ancient Romans. They noticed that the water near the highest mountains has healing properties. Today Kyzyldzhahamam is a popular resort where tourists improve their health or take spa treatments.

Despite the influx of guests and the proximity to Ankara, it is very calm and comfortable here:

  • the terrain is at the junction of the continental and maritime climate;
  • there are many coniferous trees around (Kyzyljakhamam - supply oxygen to Ankara).

And there are 4 types of water:

  • thermal
  • mineral
  • drinking
  • purest, collected from mountain glaciers

And all of it has healing properties. Kyzyljakhamam will help people suffering from arthritis, osteochondrosis, psoriasis, and female diseases. You can settle directly near the springs (in hotels) or in one of the many villages. For treatment, they drink water, bathe in it or take procedures. It is important to remember: there are men's and women's days in the Kyzyljahamam pools.

Cam Thermal Resort Hotel & Spa


Mountain views


The temperature of the water in the Balchova pools is from 60 to 80 degrees Celsius. It fills in the snow-white recesses and looks bright blue from above.

The liquid contains:

  • sulfur
  • calcium bicarbonate
  • sodium chloride

The degree of mineralization is quite high. The healing properties of the springs have been known since the time of King Agamemnon. The oracle advised him to send the wounded warriors to a natural pool in the mountains. After 2 days, all the wounds healed, and the Greeks got stronger and were able to continue to fight the Trojans.

Healing baths were forgotten, they began to be used only in 1763. Today, the resort offers guests not only spa treatments, bathing and therapeutic massage, but also full-fledged spa treatment: 10 medical laboratories work here. There is also a room for psychological relief.


This unique place began to benefit people in the 1st century BC. Even then, the beneficial properties of its bowels were noted. Aphrodite bathed in natural baths, and then Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt. Since that time, the depressions have been called Cleopatra's baths. Throughout the year, the temperature in the source is 39 degrees Celsius, and the radon content is simply off scale: Indonesia takes the first place in terms of the amount of the element, and Sultaniye - the second.

This composition allows you to treat:

  • circulatory disorders
  • sciatica
  • diseases of the genitourinary system
  • gastric diseases
  • gynecological diseases
  • eye diseases
  • neurological diseases
  • skin diseases
  • chronic fatigue

In addition to radon, the water contains a lot of sulfur (hence the specific smell) and calcium chloride. Therefore, the resort successfully treats the musculoskeletal system and carries out anti-aging procedures. There are healing muds near the spring. They are applied to the body (wraps), a therapeutic massage is done with them.


The healing climate of the Ayder plateau was appreciated in 1300 by the first settlers. But the fact that the keys, gushing out of the ground and having a temperature of about 55 degrees Celsius, have a healing effect, was noticed only in 1987. Scientists from Karadeniz University examined the samples and found that hot springs contain an increased amount of sodium sulfate. It was then that Ayder began to develop as a balneological resort.

Hot water bursts out of the ground, flows through forests, meadows, accumulates in natural pools and flows into the Black Sea already cooled. And the area where healing streams flow is fabulously beautiful! It's not for nothing that Ayder is called the Alpine Turkey.

Today in this picturesque land you can heal:

  • neurological diseases
  • skin diseases
  • diseases of the digestive system
  • arthritis
  • arthrosis

Healing baths help to solve the problems of infertility. But the chemical activity of the keys prescribes caution: it is recommended to alternate taking baths with walks and active rest. Hotels have been built in Ayder, where they offer only spa treatments. Here you can get qualified medical advice on the treatment of diseases.

Ayder Doga Resort


Sauna, restaurant, playground


Erzurum resort has several types of sources:

  1. Akdag. All baths are in the open air, so men visit it more often. Nearby there are medicinal muds that contain sulfur and uranium.
  2. Helenk, Meman, Gelingeldi and Asboga. The water has a high temperature. Baths are most often taken here.
  3. Chorak and Syungerji. These are drinking springs.
  4. Erzurum Maden xyu. Located near the tomb of Abdurrahman Gazi. The place is very beautiful. The advantage is easy transport accessibility.

The Erzurum resort treats skin diseases, liver and kidney diseases. Basically, tourists visit the hospitals in the summer.


It is a modern resort, stretching from the Sea of ​​Marmara to the Uludag Highlands. And the climate here changes: from warm and humid sea to severe cool sharply continental. And there are a great many sources on Chekirga. There are comfortable hotels near each where you can stay for the duration of the treatment.

The most popular places in Chekirge:

  1. Bursa (sources of Eski Kapdydzha, Karamustafa Pasha Kaplydzhasy, Kainardzha, Yeni Kaplydzha, Dumbuldek, Oilat).
  2. Kynik Dogal Maden Suyu. Has a high concentration of magnesium and calcium. Water is bottled and sold.
  3. Baikal Dogal Kaynak Suyu. Mineralization is high, so is the hardness. Also bottled and sold.
  4. Uludag Dogal Kaynak Suyu. This water is sold outside of Turkey.
  5. Gemlik Kaplydzhasy. Known since Byzantium.
  6. Adliye Keiu Ichmesi is a drinking spring.
  7. Sodagy Keu Kaplydzhasy. There is no unpleasant smell near. Bathing relieves pain.
  8. Agachhisar Kei Ylydzasy. It has healing mud.

The properties of the water in the Čekirge resort depend on the location in which the source is located. But there is no radical difference.


Bursa is one of the most famous cities in the ekirge resort. The climate here is mild and humid: the influence of the Sea of ​​Marmara is felt. The inhabitants of Byzantium were the first to use hot springs for treatment and recovery. During the reign of the Ottomans, the tradition of building baths on warm springs was preserved. Today the reconstructed baths can be seen at the Karavansaray hotel in Bursa.

Useful properties of water are determined by the composition:

  • soda
  • sulfur
  • magnesium
  • calcium

And you can treat a variety of diseases with such a liquid. The composition of the main sources of Bursa is slightly different: the proximity of the location affects.

Most often, tourists visit:

  1. Eski Kapdydzha. It is the oldest geothermal resort, renovated in 1988. It has 2 zones: cool and hot.
  2. Karamustafa Pasha Kaplyjasy. This resort has radioactive water.
  3. Kainarja. Mountain resort (located at an altitude of 160 m above sea level). The first pools were built 1680 years ago.
  4. Yeni Kaplydzha. This sulphurous spring with a liquid of high mineralization was used by Suleman the Magnificent to treat gout.
  5. Dumbuldeck. Has a weak mineralization. They drink water or take a bath. Helps with gynecological diseases.
  6. Oilat. The healing properties of keys have been used for over 2000 years. The water at the resort is not only hot and mineralized, but also radioactive.

There are many hotels in Bursa where guests stay for treatment.

Sheraton Bursa Hotel


Green Key Certificate, Greenest Hotel Award

Crowne Plaza Bursa Convention Center & Thermal Spa


Spa center with an area of ​​4,500 sq. m


The deposit of healing waters was discovered in 1800, but it was only actively exploited since 1981. It was then that the properties of medicinal water began to be investigated. The unique alpine resort Kangal specializes in helping patients with skin diseases. It is located at an altitude of 1650 m above sea level, and the sun shines here 280 days a year. Vodicka has a high concentration of selenium (1.3 mg / l), magnesium and zinc, and its temperature is over 37 degrees Celsius.

An additional effect is created by "doctors" of the Garra Rufa fish, which live in hot liquid and gently clean sore spots. And the mountain sun fixes the result. In addition, it is simply pleasant to be in Kangal: it is very beautiful here, and the air is clean and fresh. The effect of such treatment is significant: psoriasis does not appear within 2 years. The largest influx of patients at the resort is in the spring: it is during these months that skin diseases are exacerbated.


The resort belongs to the Turkish Ministry of Health, but there are also private health resorts nearby, which also have thermal pools. And in Yalova, in addition to treatment rooms, there are:

  • hotels, apartments, entertainment center
  • thermal pool
  • special sauna with thermal water
  • hamam, built during the time of Justinian
  • Valide bath (has male and female sections), built by Sultan Abdul Majid
  • sultan's baths (26 marble pools built for members of the ruler's family)

The healing properties of the thermal springs of this area were used by the inhabitants of Byzantium. After the collapse of the Ottomans 'conquest of the empire, the sources were forgotten: members of the rulers' families rested and were treated in Bursa. It was only at the beginning of the 20th century that hot springs were actively used again for treatment. It was then that the infrastructure of the resort began to develop. And then Yalova was forgotten, until Ataturk came to power. He revived the resort, turning it into a global spa resort.

Today in Yalova they treat:

  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • neurology;
  • skin diseases;
  • the consequences of surgical operations;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • dental diseases.

It is noteworthy that in addition to the main thermal treatments, guests are offered massages, manual therapy sessions, acupuncture, and paraffin wraps.

Black Bird Thermal Hotel & SPA


Thermal pools and hot spring baths

Yalova Lova Hotel & SPA Yalova


2 spas: one for women, the other for general use


These keys are located in the foothills of the Ala ridge. The temperature is quite comfortable for humans: about 40 degrees Celsius. And the beneficial properties are determined by the composition:

  • carbon monoxide (2)
  • bicarbonate
  • calcium
  • magnesium
  • sulfates

Treatment consists of taking baths, inhalation, ingestion. The waters of the source help with diseases of the genitourinary system, kidneys, liver, gall bladder. It is pleasant to rest in Bolu: the area is picturesque, and the air is clean and fresh. There are 2 national parks on the territory of the district: the Park of 7 Lakes and the Park of Lake Abant. Tourists interested in history can see the remains of buildings from the times of Byzantium and the Ottoman Empire.

Gazelle Resort & Spa


Found in an oak forest in the Karajasu region


Afyon is famous for the fact that on a small territory there are 7 resorts at once, marked with 5 stars. This place is considered the capital of balneology in Turkey. More than 12,000 guests can be treated here at the same time. Afyon has an excellent infrastructure: hotels invite accommodation for the duration of the procedures, there are mud baths and spa, shops, restaurants and entertainment centers.

Admirers of antiquity will visit the hamam, built during the reign of the Ottomans. It is rented for taking warm baths. By the way, the water in the springs has a temperature of 60 to 95 degrees Celsius.

Afyon Resort welcomes guests throughout the year for treatment:

  • gynecological diseases
  • neurology
  • fractures
  • diabetes
  • rheumatic diseases
  • kidney disease

Afyon has an excellent Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Center, where trauma and postoperative conditions are treated.

Ikbal Thermal Hotel & Spa Afyon


Outdoor pool, Turkish bath, thermal treatments

NG Afyon Wellness & Convention


Thermal spa area of ​​9,500 sqm, 13 pools


This resort is located in the Genen river valley. It is designed for the simultaneous treatment of more than 700 people. The complex is managed by the local municipality in cooperation with private investors. The governing body oversees the provision of medical services to guests. Genen is distinguished by exceptionally clean keys: this level of security is difficult to find not only in Turkey, but also anywhere else.

And the chemical composition allows you to fight:

  • post-traumatic and postoperative syndromes
  • palsy of the facial nerve
  • gynecological problems
  • diseases of the digestive tract
  • neurological diseases

The resort has excellent infrastructure: visitors can go to the gym, volleyball court or tennis court, go to the reading room, hold a meeting in the conference room.

Thermal springs of Turkey on the map


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